Thursday, October 7, 2010

What medicine can I use for dry eyes?

Dry eye has many causes. But irrespective of the cause, dry eyes can be very discomforting. There are several medications one can buy but the best is restasis. This liquid formula can help people with dry eyes. It rapidly relieves the itching, pain or redness. Restasis works by increasing the production of tears from the small glands in the eye. Unfortunately, Restasis does not work for all patients with a dry eye. For example, if you do not have tear glands, then Restasis will not work.
Side effects
Restasis does have a few mild side effects that include itching, redness or, burning when it is first applied. These symptoms generally disappear after a few days. Other side effects include blurry vision or discharge from the eye. If these symptoms persist, one must notify their health care provider.
In extremely rare cases, Restasis may worsen the dryness in the eye. If this happens, the drug should be discontinued and one should discuss the option of artificial tears with their doctor.
Like all drugs, Restasis can also induce an allergic reaction which may present with a skin rash, difficulty breathing, facial swelling and itching. If this ever happens, one should seek immediate medical attention at the nearest emergency department.
How do I use restasis 
Restasis should only be taken as directed by your doctor. Restasis should be applied to the affected eye twice a day. The two doses must be separated by at least 10 hours. Before applying the Restasis eye drops, always wash your hands. Try and not contaminate the tip of the vial with your hands or eye. Shake the vial before use to ensure that the medication is properly mixed. Tilt your head and look to the ceiling, then pull on the lower eye lid to make a small hollow pouch- instill the Restasis drop into the eye. After application, look down and close your eye for 30 seconds. Try not to rub or blink there the eye for the nest minute. If you use other eye medication drops, wait at least 15 minutes in between each drop. One should always remove contact lenses 15 minutes before instilling the eye drops. The lenses can be worn again in 15-20 minutes after the drops.
For maximal benefit, Restasis must be taken at the same time every for several days to work. If you miss a dose of Restasis, do not double dose the next time as it will increase the side effects.