Monday, January 24, 2011

How can I get rid of dark circles under my eye?

Dark circles under the eye can easily be treated with home care remedies. The first thing you should do is apply a cold compress on the eyes to reduce the swelling and bluish discoloration. Get extra sleep with the head of the bed elevated. Wear a sunscreen if you go out in the sun and wear dark glasses to protect your eye. There are hundreds of skincare products that are sold as a treatment of dark circles under the eye. While the majority are crap, root extracts from the Brazilian  suma plants have been shown to improve appearance of the eye. For the short term, you can also use a camouflage or a concealer. These products can hide dark circles  but you have to be aware that many such products also contain synthetic chemicals that can cause allergies and may even worsen your skin. There is no surgical procedure for dark circles.  Even though some doctors are offering laser for dark circles, this is criminal. Lasers are not supposed to be used near the eye- your dark circle may disappear, but you can go blind. 

Why do I have dark circles under my eyes, I am only 38.

Dark circles are not a sign of aging but they can sure make you look old and exhausted. Dark circles can occur at all ages in both men and women. These dark circles are not a sign of any serious illness but make one look a lot older. Besides fatigue and lack of sleep, there are many other cases of dark circles under the eyes. People who tend to have allergies often develop dark circles. If someone in your family has dark circles, then chances are that you will also have dark circles. Other common causes of dark circles include excess stress, smoking, chronic alcohol use, living a hectic lifestyle without rest, excess sun exposure, and having sensitive skin prone to discolorations. The condition is harmless and in most cases, no cause is ever found. The first step towards treatment is getting a decent amount of sleep, discontinuing smoking and alcohol; and applying a cold compress.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Is a bacterial pink eye contagious?

Yes, pink eye from both virus and bacteria are contagious. Hand washing is essential if you want to prevent transmitting the infection to others. If your infection is due to bacteria, then you will need antibiotic drops for a few days. Children hate eye drops and thus you may need to get an ointment to treat the bacterial pink eye. The medications do work fast and you can expect clearing of the pink eyes in 2-3 days. For viral pink eye, just use a warm compress, maintain good eye hygiene and wash your hands frequently