Tuesday, February 28, 2012

What is cost of Lasik Surgery?

Despite the numbers of doctors doing the procedure, the cost of Lasik is still significant. It is considered a cosmetic procedure and not covered by any health insurance plan or Medicare. The cost of Lasik ranges from about $1,200-$2,000 per eye. In most states, the cost of both eyes is between $4,000-$5,000.

Does everyone benefit from Lasik Surgery?

Lasik is not meant for all individuals. It is an expensive procedure and one must be above 18 to have it done. Even though the eye doctors claim that the procedure is 100% successful, in reality the majority of patients develop 20/40 of better vision. Complications when they do occur are usually permanent.

Can complications occur with Lasik Surgery?

During the initial recovery period after the surgery, some individuals may complain of visual glares, halos, and tearing. Once the procedure has been done, it is irreversible.

Overall, Lasik is a safe procedure, but about 3-5% of individuals do have nighttime difficulty, blurring, and glare. These side effects do resolve in some individuals but in others, they are permanent. Other rare complications of Lasik include the probability of an infection, temporary need for glasses, additional surgery and a sensation of a dry eye.

How soon do I see the benefits of Lasik surgery?

After surgery, the improvement in vision is immediate. Even though there are many claims of perfect vision with Lasik, this is not always guaranteed. The majority of individuals do improve their ability to see without glasses. However, if one had a prior refractive error, then the need for some type of glasses may be required. One has to understand that Lasik does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, as one grows older.

What is the recovery like after Lasik surgery?

The procedure is painless during and after surgery. However, some individuals may complain of a mild scratchy feeling for a day or two. After a few days, the individual can resume all other daily life activities. Even though most patients can return to work within a few days, it is best to wait until the doctor has cleared you and the vision is clear. After the surgery is done, most patients follow up with their eye doctor a few times during the course of the year.

How is Lasik surgery performed?

Lasik is performed using a microscope with the use of local anesthetic. The procedure involves making a very small cut into the cornea and using the laser rays to reshape the cornea. The cut cornea is then stitched back. The surgery only takes 15-20 minutes for both eyes and one can go home in one hour. Various eye drops are instilled into the eyes for a few days. All patients are asked to wear eye goggles to protect the eye.